
Orthodontic Treatment for Children

The great advantage of corrective treatment in children is growth factor!

It is important to work with prevention, diagnosis at an early age the situations that may develop in future ages.

Therefore, child orthodontics somehow integrates with the initial dentistry checking factors such as deviations caused by a cross bite, lack of space for permanent teeth, or lack of proper development of the dental arches beyond the problems of genetic order.

With current technology, we can predict the dento facial growth and with it we are able to avoid the major deformities and future problems, preventing and avoiding long and painful treatments.

Prevention and early interceptive treatment are the best way for our children!

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

The current orthodontic treatments in adults have virtually no age limit and are highly aesthetic. This is because the techniques have advanced a lot and today the force exerted on the dentition is much smaller, because we work with lighter orthodontic wires and memory producing almost painless smooth and constant movement.

The techniques are increasingly aesthetic as invisible or lingual braces (special braces bonded to the inner face of the teeth), totally imperceptible ("invisible braces") or, for those who do not want to use the braces, there are techniques with aligners transparent as Invisalign or Clear aligner.

Orthodontics and applied is a means of giving longevity to our teeth which will allow not only improves aesthetics, but also the functional side with a more balanced and efficient chewing. A pleasant smile opens new horizons and improves self-esteem and social security.

Remember, good health starts in the mouth!

Dento Facial Esthetics

To talk about aesthetics, we need to first talk about the possibility of a broader diagnosis of dento facial or facial region.

An analysis of the patient's facial type becomes fundamentally important to evaluate the shape of the occlusal plane and the smile line.

Resources adopted today allow increasingly create the pleasant smile, the beauty in the eyes of the beholder and above all, personalized!

The integration with the areas of orthodontics, implantology and surgery to the area of ​​aesthetic clinic can fully restore a balanced and healthy occlusion.

The healthcare professional should be fit and have a mission to return to his client what he needs: Healthy Teeth and wonderful!

Odontological Advancements in the Aesthetic Area

"Contact Lenses"

It isn't an ophthalmologic product!
The so called "Odontological Contact Lenses" are extremely thin porcelain facets that resolve simple dental aesthetic issues such as discoloration or chips. They are easily placed on the teeth and will certainly rejuvenate your smile!!

Smile Rejuvenation

"A smile is the window to one's soul" - A great smile can open many doors be it on your regular schduel or professional setting. Research on the "age of a smile" has proven that an elderly person may have a "young smile" while a young person may have an "elderly smile". Crooked teeth, darkened, and of different sizes could modify speech. The facial muscular support creates wrinkles, which then makes proper hygiene more difficult causing serious periodontal issues that could affect the said support structures in the teeth.

The study of the smile must be thorough since it involves the maxillary positioning, the harmony of the superior arch in relation to the form and posture of the lips, the format of the teeth whether they are more feminine or masculine, and even the relation of the equilibrium of the smile in relation to the face and facial musculature.

Nowadays, the rejuvenation of the smile is idealized through the special softwares and it it depends on some important techniques such as the famous "Odontological contact lenses" which are extremely thin porcelain facets that are adapted to the teeth without having to make any modifications to the teeth's structure.
"A smile is worth more than 1,000 words"

  • Stained teeth
  • Decalcified teeth
  • Anterior teeth with excessive wear
  • Excessive crowding of the inferior teeth
  • Narrow smile with an anterior degree

The above are some of the most common defects when evaluating a smile. A smile is always evaluated in relation to the face in question. With age, there are physiological factors that modify the characteristics of the facial musculature's sustenance leaving the superior teeth less exposed and the inferior teeth more visible in the smile. This ages the face in a smile. Current odontology specializes in aesthetic treatments which result in great modifications that allows the patient to become more confident and to have the total liberty to smile forever!   

Minor Oral Surgery and Hospital Oral Surgery

The oral surgery or outpatient is one performed in our own clinic. For this procedure we have a room specially prepared with sterile environment and all first aid equipment, apparatus for conscious anesthesia (nitrous oxide) and oxygen.

We have a complete Sterilization Center, which eliminates any possibility of cross contamination.

Surgical techniques have evolved significantly. As the 3D images to plan, locate and execute more accurately all the procedures.

What would be the oral surgery?

1. Placement of intraosseous implants

2. Placement of bone grafts

3. Removal of 3rd. molars (famous "wisdom teeth")

4. Removal of cysts

5. Dental traction surgery

For larger surgeries performed in the hospital setting, a highly specialized team will be available.

Are cases of simple or complete orthognathic surgery deviations of order skeletal, facial asymmetry, severe TMJ disturbances, Genioplasty (or genioplasty), artrocentrese, surgery to RONCO / APNEA


Dental implants are utilized when replacing a lost tooth. One can have the support of one or more missing teeth in the dental arch and even have the support of prostheses of the whole dental arch with more security and comfort. These implants are made out of titanium, making them compatible with the human organism and the bone structure while being safe and regenerative of the masticatory system. We could call it the "third dentition".

The implant is placed in the root of the tooth and it integrates itself to the bone structure becoming completely fixed. After the crown placement on the porcelain tooth over the implant, it is almost impossible to distinguish the implant from a natural tooth.

Furthermore, the regeneration of the arches and the occlusion will contribute to the longevity of the mouth's health and prevent issues with ATMs.

Currently the professional, specialized placement of the implants has become a procedure free of traumas, and executed safely with a 3D diagnostics which allows the perfect placement of said implant measuring exact depth of the bones and proximity to the nerve.

One can say goodbye to the fixed and mobile prostheses that were supported by three or more teeth which caused important bone loss, damage to the support of the teeth, and numerous problems with regards to proper hygiene such as bad breath and implants coming loose.

Articular Dysfunction

Headache, earache, tinnitus, cannot open his mouth, crackling in the ear region and others are some of the symptoms of joint dysfunction of the TMJ. Ordinary functions as the simple act of talking or chewing depend entirely on the smooth functioning of ATMs. .

These complaints are very common especially in adults seeking the help of professionals from various healthcares. Children may also experience some of these complaints even at an early age.

A few years ago we developed a protocol for diagnosis and treatment very successfully!

The complete mapping of Electromyography with the muscles involved and Sonography of the TMJ are the main part of this thorough diagnosis.

The novel treatment of recovery developed through the use of repositioning apparatus (movable) has achieved great results healing results.

As a complement, the Artrocentrese procedure is also performed in some cases excessive locking and joint pain.

Results are monitored through electromyography and Sonography during treatment.

The more chronic cases of Articular Dysfunction are accompanied by muscle imbalance of the craniofacial region we call Orofacial Pain since it affects the whole system.

Orofacial Pain

Sleep poorly, have interrupted sleep, wake up with a headache, face and neck may be symptoms of Myofascial dysfunction that seriously compromises the quality of life.

Patients who come to us often come intoxicated drug seeking alleviate symptoms only.

We know that constant pain produces substances contrary to serotonin, leading to moodiness and depression.

In our clinic we seek broad diagnosis from the patient's history regarding symptoms, tests already referred to as the muscle electromyography and sonography mapping of ATMs that will help unravel the functioning of the musculature is harmonious and correct, as well as scrutiny occlusion, since deviations from this may lead to an unbalanced activity of the face muscles.

The results of our treatment protocol have been extremely positive and our joy is directly proportional to the happiness and well being of our customers.

Clínica J.C. Gaspar - CROSP 3064 (resp. tecn.- Dr. José Carlos Gaspar CROSP 7501

Av. Engenheiro Luís Carlos Berrini 1500,

Brooklin Novo - 5o. Andar,

São Paulo, SP 04571-000

Phone. +55 (11) 5505-6365

Fax. 5506.9796

Email. contato@jcgaspar.com.br

URL. https://wa.me/5511950503138